Pole Maintenance Company has served the electric utility industry since 1984 providing pole inspection and treatment crews through contract.

During the past seventeen years Pole Maintenance Company has successfully completed over five hundred (500) contracts and inspected and treated over two  million (2,000,000) poles. 

We know our success is built on the integrity and competence of our field personnel. PMC's excellent record retaining pole inspectors tells a tale. Our average tenure per inspector is currently five (5) years, better than twice the industry average. Our experienced inspector corps is the cornerstone of our business and the foundation of future growth and service to our customers. Pole Maintenance Company continues to strive to make service more than a motto: serving is our first business principle. 

For additional information about the following products and services, please don't hesitate to call 800-473-2563 or send e-mail to Pole Maintenance Company

General Specifications & Procedures 

Groundline Preservatives

Boron Rods 

Moisture Barriers 

Groundline Tools & Supplies 

Ready to Use Pole Bandages 

Steel Reinforcing Systems 

Encasement Technologies 

Data Collection Hardware & Software 


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